07 February 2025
Benefits Of Sending Your Children To Japanese Schools in Jakarta

Benefits Of Sending Your Children To Japanese Schools in Jakarta

Benefits Of Sending Your Children To Japanese Schools in Jakarta – Currently, many people know the quality of Japanese schools and want to send their children to Japanese schools in Jakarta. The quality of education in Japanese schools is quite high, so children can get a good education. Here we will introduce Japanese schools and their benefits.

Benefits Of Sending Your Children To Japanese Schools in Jakarta

Benefits Of Sending Your Children To Japanese Schools in Jakarta

Learn about the characteristics of Japanese schools
carisbrookehighschool – Jakarta Japanese School is currently in the spotlight because Japanese schools usually hold teaching and learning activities from 08.00 to 15.00. Students need to be disciplined not to be late or truant. If you are late, the school will suspend you.

In contrast to the Indonesian education system, elementary school students can only take subject exams in fourth grade. During the first three years of elementary school, knowledge is not evaluated, and the emphasis is on learning ethics.

In Japanese schools, promotion is determined by learning ability. Japanese schools have fewer subjects, so students can concentrate without stress. Students and teachers get along well because they eat the same menu at the same place.

Specific features of the Japanese education system
Japan, which is known as one of the developed countries with high quality education, has a unique education system. In contrast to the education systems in other countries, Japan places more emphasis on moral education than science. In Japan, it is believed that the better the morality, the better the application of science and technology.

The attendance rate in Japanese schools is also high, up to 99%, in contrast to the attendance rate of students in Indonesia. Apart from moral education, the Japanese education system also emphasizes local arts education, with priority given to arts education which can later be implemented locally, with the aim of instilling an attachment to culture in students.


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10 benefits of sending your child to a Japanese school
Education is one of the most important things that children must receive to build a bright future. Currently there are many schools in Indonesia, but many also send their children to Japanese schools. What are the benefits of sending my child to a Japanese school in Jakarta? You can read the full review below.

1. Children’s talents and interests can be maximized
Personal skills and interests that need to be developed. Schools in Japan can maximize children’s talents and interests with the support of specialist teachers. Apart from that, Japanese schools in Jakarta support children’s self-development with complete facilities.

2. Children can learn about many cultures
International schools, such as the Japanese School in Jakarta, generally offer classes from various countries. By attending a Japanese school in Jakarta, children can learn about a variety of different cultures.

This school not only teaches students foreign culture but also local culture through educational and interesting activities. The more knowledge a child has about a culture, the more comprehensive a child’s knowledge will be about the outside world.
Introduction to culture is usually carried out at school through foreign language and arts and culture classes. Cultural introductions are usually carried out through various interesting events such as art performances.

3. Deeper emotional processes
By sending children to Japanese schools, they will be better able to control their emotions. These international standard schools usually have high-quality teachers who can help children’s academic and intellectual development.

4. Children are fluent in foreign languages
Japanese schools in Jakarta offer various types of foreign language classes to help children understand and become fluent in foreign languages. Indonesian is usually taught in English and Japanese, as well as several other foreign languages. . Apart from learning with reading materials, students in Japanese schools also often communicate in foreign languages. This allows children to get used to speaking a foreign language more fluently.

5. Children become more confident and independent
Education in Japanese schools not only improves morality, but also helps children grow into more independent people. In Japanese schools, there are generally more individual assignments than group assignments. This allows children to become more independent by completing their own tasks without depending on others. Apart from that, giving assignments individually will make children confident in answering.

6. Child’s behavior improves
As you know, schools in Japan emphasize behavioral education in student learning. By sending your children to a Japanese school in Jakarta, they will be able to behave better and show a high level of politeness. That way, children can grow into better and more successful individuals in the future. Moreover, we don’t need to worry about the negative impact of current social interactions on our children which is very worrying.


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7. Children are more open to technological developments
Japanese schools generally have complete, high-quality and technologically advanced facilities. Apart from that, this international school also offers technology classes to familiarize children with using technology. In other words, going to school in Japan makes it easier for children to accept technological developments.

8. Children become more disciplined and responsible.
Another benefit of sending your child to a Japanese school is that your child will become more disciplined and responsible. In contrast to schools in Indonesia, children in Japanese schools are given strict warnings if they are late or absent.
If a child is late, the school will give sanctions in the form of suspension. That way, your child will start to get used to discipline and be able to manage his time better. Schools also train children to be responsible for cleaning the classroom and school environment.

9. Increase creativity
Apart from moral education, schools in Japan emphasize arts education and encourage children to be creative. With these habits, children can become more creative and live better lives than before.

10. Ease of studying abroad
Japanese schools in Jakarta usually adopt international standards to adapt children to different cultures. Sending your children to a Japanese school in Jakarta will make it easier for them to continue their studies abroad. Since foreign languages ​​are studied at school, children do not need to spend a lot of time taking foreign language courses. Apart from that, children no longer feel embarrassed about foreign cultures because they already know them at school.