Negative Impact of Sending Your Child to School Quickly – As a parent, you need to ensure that your child receives the best education. Moreover, at the age of 3 years, your child has entered preschool age. Mothers may consider sending their children to school early so they can start learning. However, you need to know that sending your child to school too early does not necessarily have a positive effect. On the contrary, this has a negative impact on your child’s cognitive and mental development. The impact of sending children to school too early
Negative Impact of Sending Your Child to School Quickly
carisbrookehighschool – There are negative impacts of sending children to school too early. If you are thinking about sending your child to school early, the following may be affected:
1. Berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan mental anak.
Kesehatan mental anak Anda juga merupakan faktor yang perlu diperhatikan. Semakin muda seorang anak dibandingkan dengan teman-temannya di sekolah, semakin besar risiko buruknya kesehatan mental. Sebuah penelitian di Inggris terhadap 2.075 anak sekolah dasar (usia 5 hingga 9 tahun) yang bersekolah di 80 sekolah berbeda menemukan bahwa siswa yang lebih muda lebih mungkin mengalami emosi negatif seperti khawatir dan takut. Tentu saja hal ini justru mengganggu proses belajar dan tumbuh kembang anak Anda.
2. Difficulty getting along with friends at school
A mother might think that if her child goes to school earlier, he will have more friends. That’s not always the case, ma’am. Your child may have difficulty connecting with his friends at school.
3. Decreased concentration
Another impact of children starting school early is decreased concentration. This can happen because your child feels anxious or afraid, or is still trying to adapt to his environment.
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4. experiencing behavioral disorders
Starting school too early can make your child mentally immature. This can make your child more susceptible to problematic behavior such as difficulty concentrating and hyperactive behavior. This also happens because your child is not ready for school at an early age.
5. Doesn’t want to accept lessons
Although this is not always the case, young children of school age may have difficulty reading and understanding numbers. This is because your child is not ready for lessons. Even if you are only a few months younger than your friends, there is usually a difference in learning abilities.
6. I have difficulty following class rules.
Following class rules is a big challenge for your child. Additionally, young children may have difficulty sitting quietly in a chair for 20 minutes. Even when children are at school, they spend most of their time sitting.
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Benefits of delaying sending children to school
On the other hand, prohibiting children from going to school has many benefits for them, including:
1. Have better self-control
I find that children have good self-control even when they are late for school. This means your child will be more focused in class and less hyperactive. Furthermore, self-control influences future academic achievement.
2. Focus more on class
When your child is ready for school, they will be better able to concentrate and pay more attention to what is happening in class. Their attention is not easily distracted so they are more active in following lessons.
3. Independence
Delaying school prepares young children to be more independent. During his student years, he had to learn to do many things without the help of others. For example, wearing shoes, socks, and putting stationery in a bag.
When is your little one ready to go to school?
Typically, children can attend preschool programs from the age of three. Indonesia has an early childhood education (PAUD) program for children aged 3 to 5 years. Apart from age, mothers should also pay attention to the following factors when determining a child’s readiness:
- Independent: Some schools may require your child to go to the bathroom alone, put on shoes, pants, and even wash their hands.
- Help them understand instructions: Children who are ready for school should be able to understand simple commands such as standing, sitting, and walking.
- Speak clearly enough: It doesn’t have to be perfect, but at least other people can understand what your little one is saying.
- Adaptability: Schools have schedules that must be adhered to. Help your child understand when it’s time to play and learn.
- Courage: If your child dares to go to school without you having to wait, that is a sign that your child is ready to go to school.
This explains the negative impact of sending children to school too early. It is the duty of parents to support their children’s education. However, mothers must also pay attention to their children’s readiness when sending them to school.